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Posts posted by pbalentine

  1. 10 minutes ago, wade_660 said:

    I bought a pink clean and put it in the hand job too. Clever marketing by fusion but I am much quicker and cleaner by cleaning with a side swiper. It’s in the back of my drawer now not being used. Got the orange crush too for a handle. It’s a little too soft, just personal preference.

    Do you use orange or blue blades? 

    3 minutes ago, jh812 said:

    :yep should've named it pink doesn't clean. Piece of crap imo. Clear is good for leaving water behind if you're into that sorta thing.

    I thought you liked using the clear crush to clean?? 

  2. I just put the pink clean in the hand holder and the clear crush in a unger handle. I think the pink is gonna replace black turbos for me; which i use when a handle one doesnt fit.   I may use it on rollups, depending how long the blade lasts and if it can be sharpened. Im gonna try the clear w handle on the next bg i get, hopefully its better. 


    Tint slayer, i checked and it looks like the green turbo is softer than the black.  That may be too soft IMO. 

  3. Thing with turbos is they dont last for shiat before they dull and cant be put in hard card sharpener. When i used black turbos for rollups and 1/4s they last about 2-3 weeks.   Been usiny 5” and 6” unger with the black channel for roll ups only.  I just ditch the blade before signs of wear at about every 2 weeks. I doubt the pink clean can be sharpened and the cost is too high to carry it. 

  4. Got these for the bg and wasnt impressed.  I tried the clear crush in hand job holder and only got one extra pass than a handled squeggee on the bg.  Also, i couldnt push with it, since it just grabbed the glass.  The pink clean i tried in a handle for clean one rollup.  May consider using for 1/4 and side glass’ but with cost i doubt it.  These blades are $8 vs a unger black channell is probably like .25 cents!  

  5. Late Sarurday customer leaves a message saying the door on his 18 Chevy bolt wont open from inside or outside!! Not what i want to hear for a good night sleep. I took the panels off and prayed when i went back that the little door lock peg wasnt jammed under the panel.  I get there and it was!! Luckily, I was able to flex the corner of the panel to allow the peg to move up to unlock it! Then i removed the 7mm bolts, popped panel loose and a slipped it back in the hole, all while the guy watched!! 

  6. 11 hours ago, Tint Slayer said:

    I must be doing something wrong with my Orange Crush, even got the newest most recent one and it occasionally skips and leaves marks on the film that the blue and clear max never did, everyone seems to like it and it does work good other than my skip issue, so it must be my technique, i'm trying not to flaw the product, It must be me. I also have the issue of moisture behind so when i bear down to get rid of it, it skips.

    I've been using the yellow Go Doctor for sides and the softer red Go Doctor on rear glass and have been liking it.

    Anybody ever tried flipping the blue max squeegee blade in the handle and holding the handle backwards when you squeegee? 

    I flipped the blade once, but didnt like it since you can only use it the one way. Try using the top edge of the blade.  Its at a better angle and you can save the bottom edge for install only. 

  7. About every removal i say its my last.  :lolThey’re always time consuming and takena toll on your body.  Good to charge extra since they take up a lot of time in your bay, when you could possibly be doing just a regular tint. To me there are two types of removal, pull film and scrub/scrape adhesive or the worst, which is where most or all the film has to be scraped.  Im considering passing on these. Just too much time and enegry to scrap turds. 

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