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Everything posted by TintDude

  1. It seems like that glass is way more fragile than it should be.
  2. They filed the edge there. What else could have caused it?
  3. You think the scratches are from scraping overspray from the windows? Interesting thought, but why only scrape that bottom section, and why are there still specks where it's been scraped? I think that's dust.
  4. It is a tough one, not 100% certain either way. I wonder if there is anything on the back window.
  5. Since it's on all 4 windows, I'm inclined to think it was the tinter. I'm the first guy to defend a tinter, but in this case I think they may be at fault.
  6. I wonder if they used a gasket shield on the outside for some reason? I agree It's tough to do that with a hard card, unless it was a gold teflon.
  7. If that was the case I think all the scratches would be going the exact same direction, straight up and down, but they are at different angles.
  8. In the second and third photo, you can see the scratches all start from the same level and go down. It looks like during the heat shrinking, when the film was laying on the glass about an inch from the bottom to be worked, the card they may have used had some grit or something. Maybe even a gold teflon card, those are notorious for scratching. not saying this is what happened, but that's the only way I can visualize that it may have happened.
  9. I wouldn't trust the tape on paint, much less on ppf. I could see it on something small like an antenna, but a spoiler, by design, is under a lot of forces. I think with age something is bound to fail, either the tape or the ppf.
  10. I'd take a step back and reevaluate doing retail work until you have more skill. Your best bet would be to work as a helper in a shop until you have a lot more experience. When you are to the point you can tint any car with confidence and do it well, also knowing how to handle a customer and their expectations, then start advertising and taking in work. If you are doing good work and have happy customers, they will advertise for you. So wait until you are much better at this before charging. If you jump in this too early and start putting out sub par work and unhappy customers, you are going to have nothing but grief.
  11. Now you can afford one of his $30 screwdrivers.
  12. Ever have someone do you a favor and turn the key off while you're working?
  13. Yep, pushing fingers down on the side windows was a treat.
  14. The tinter knew that trash was in there after the first squeegee. He might have left water around it to get it out the door.
  15. All of the above and make sure interior lights are turned off while you work.
  16. Now you have to explain the things that should have been explained before the job started and hope he believes you. This will keep happening to you if you do not prepare the customer for what to expect. Print a bunch of these: https://www.tintdude.net/care.html and give one to your customer before the work starts. Read over it with them, especially the part about drying time. They are far more likely to believe you (when you say it will dry) if you told them about it before hand. Now he just thinks you did a crappy job because he wasn't prepared for what to expect.
  17. When I sense a customer is expecting perfection, I try to explain a little about the process and lower their expectations, then if I meet or exceed those expectations, everyone is happy, otherwise the perfectionist customer will always be disappointed or worse.
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