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Local glass company breaking the law.....

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Don't know how many of you run into this.....we have a glass company located here in Connecticut which repeatedly installs annealed glass in openings lower than 18" from the floor (CT law, must be tempered or safety glass below 18") They have done this for years, at times getting away with it. (pocketing more money charged for more expensive glass) Then, upon getting caught, they send the building owner to us to install safety film to bring it up to code. Anyone else see this happen???

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I'm not sure if they are intentionally breaking the law, but I have had builders and such call asking me to film glass that was supposed to be tempered per code. Normally the reason given is that it's less $$ to do that then pay for tempered glass.....


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I'm not sure if they are intentionally breaking the law, but I have had builders and such call asking me to film glass that was supposed to be tempered per code. Normally the reason given is that it's less $$ to do that then pay for tempered glass.....


same here, thats what I was thinking. Most builders around here just do whats needed in the first place though to close on the home quicker

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YES! I have a builder that I work with that isnt putting the required glass in and I come in to do ss film to bring it to code. They have changed their name this year. I have also bid multiple jobs from them but have only got 2 of them in the past year before the name change. Seems strange, as they can keep the margins the same by putting in the glass that it up to code.

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Don't know how many of you run into this.....we have a glass company located here in Connecticut which repeatedly installs annealed glass in openings lower than 18" from the floor (CT law, must be tempered or safety glass below 18") They have done this for years, at times getting away with it. (pocketing more money charged for more expensive glass) Then, upon getting caught, they send the building owner to us to install safety film to bring it up to code. Anyone else see this happen???

In new construction? Since the code requires tempered glass shouldn't the plans show that and shouldn't an inspector usually catch when it isn't tempered? And isn't it costing the glass company more to have you then install safety film to the glass then they would have saved by substituting annealed glass for the required tempered?

We get calls all the time for things like when people renovate their bathrooms and the construction company didn't use tempered by the Jacuzzi.

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Creates more work for you. I say let them keep doing it. :slayer

Acyually see this all the time. Usually unintentional on the builders part and gets caught on final inspection.

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We see it on a somewhat regular basis, most of the time it is a oversight, for the most part builders do not want the inspector anything to complain about and do not want the aggravation of filming it. Temp is more $ but not usually more than plate + film

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Guest Solscreen

Construction companies here in Spain don't bother putting in toughened glass, there has been a massive building boom here which has all gone t^ts up, nobody regulates the European law here, so they do what they want, and I mean thousands of properties not the odd one. I should be up to my neck in safety film, but no chance.

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Don't know how many of you run into this.....we have a glass company located here in Connecticut which repeatedly installs annealed glass in openings lower than 18" from the floor (CT law, must be tempered or safety glass below 18") They have done this for years, at times getting away with it. (pocketing more money charged for more expensive glass) Then, upon getting caught, they send the building owner to us to install safety film to bring it up to code. Anyone else see this happen???

I have done many jobs lately like you are describing, most are 1 or 2 window jobs.

Lot of them are rental properties, widows in bathrooms stairway landings...ect, and new construction or remodel.

What do you provide the costomer or glass company, as in proof of what was applied to the glass to make it pass code....?

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