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Making the Sale on the Phone

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Customer calls and asks for a price for their car, you ask what make and model, they tell you and you reply with a price and silence.

You might as well have hung up on them.

Put yourself in their shoes, they are calling around for prices, thinking that tinting is like anything else, it's the same thing everywhere, they just need to find the lowest price.

By just giving them a price you just re-enforced the idea in their head and they have no reason to chose you unless you are the lowest price, and we all know where it goes from there, a race to the bottom and competing with 99$ tint shops.

That's your fault...period.

When a customer tells you the make and model, say something like, "We just did one of those last week with our excellent film and it looked really good. That customer came back to let us know it not only made his car look better, it rides cooler now."

Wait for it.

Customer is going to be stoked and already want to go to your shop. You didn't even mention price...on purpose, everyone else has just given him a price and probably mentioned something about a lifetime warranty yada yada.

Just hang up if you are going to do that. Trust me. Unplug your phone and go fishing.

Using the warranty in your sales pitch is just stupid. It introduces the idea of failure to the customer.

You say your film is warranted against bubbling and turning purple, you just told the customer that your film is eventually going to turn purple and bubble.

As far as you know the customer probably thought that only happened win DIY jobs, that's why he's calling you, so you already are disappointing him. Only mention it if they specifically ask.

Steer the conversation to positives, like appearance and heat control, don't introduce negatives into the conversation.

So, now just by talking about those things you have also told the customer that you are a professional, you know what you are doing and you have happy customers.

You just sold the job, now set the hook by giving a price.

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I would say that I get the majority of jobs when I talk specifics about film with the customer. Its also good to always ask for the job by trying to set the appointment.

Sometimes customers want to be walked through the whole process by you talking to them, not them having to ask when you can do it.

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great post I especially liked this pitch. im gonna use it next time for sure. thanks TD

When a customer tells you the make and model, say something like, "We just did one of those last week with our excellent film and it looked really good. That customer came back to let us know it not only made his car look better, it rides cooler now."

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And I want to add, it's important to be HIGHER priced.

The pitch only works if you are commanding the price commensurate with the pitch. It all falls apart if you are the same price as the guy down the street.

Charge at least 50% more if not much more. Trust me on this one. I've worked at both types of shops.

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