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About Ryker

  • Birthday 01/26/1971

Contact Methods

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    lildetails at yahoo dot com

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  • Gender
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  • Experience
    since 1999
  • Interests
    Racquetball, roller speed skating
  • Location
    southern IL
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    Nothing Selected

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  1. Pulling information from some website.... what you posted is only part of the whole thing.
  2. Are you certain it's the film and not the actual windshield? You will not be able to "fix" a ripple in film. If you do remove it inspect the windshield carefully though. Could well be the glass has issues.
  3. I switched so long ago... first to KDS but they went away. NT are great though. I use a piece of white strapping material as a cutting buffer between the blade and glass. Some use a button but I didn't like the feel..
  4. It is all subjective. You can NOT get a real answer except for yourself.
  5. The answer is YES.... Any tint will impact your vision. How much you can tolerate is really subjective and situational. Are and vision impact, where you are driving impacts, the type of car and window angles impact......
  6. I was thinking it would be higher on the absorption.... Great info on the whole post though Tintguy
  7. Whatever that glass is that cracked it is NOT tempered. DN 50 is pretty high solar absorption and your saying shadows too so you probably need a more reflective film.
  8. Black channel squeegee. Any hard squeegee is going to leave behind more in general.
  9. It's nice to see an old tint dude though.
  10. Dang Mike, that looks like it was on the titanic...
  11. Blinds or curtains are really needed if you have direct sun. Film will get you majority of the time but something more opaque is really needed if direct sun.
  12. I've used the yellow fusion flat out with the fusion handle for years now.
  13. Ryker

    Peanut Killer

    Smoother shrinking and you won't fight peanuts because they won't be there. I haven't had any peanuts for so long I forget they are a thing. I use a torch now on most windows but it's the way that you attack the shrink more than what you use to shrink the film. If the film looks distorted when you lift it off the glass then it's going to try and pucker up....
  14. Most any film company will have a dual reflective film. Internal reflectance will be about half the external.
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