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Posts posted by TQtinting

  1. need to make sure when your finishing your shrink that you really lay your top and bottom down really well. Typically use a little extra heat you'll notice tiny little fingers pop up. And if that isn't your problem, then make sure you start from the center and work outward in a circle when running a squeege across the film in the car. I was having this problem for a bit and realized I was doing way to much one direction squeege work and it was causing one end of the film to lay down smooth and the other to buckle up and create tiny little fingers like you've got here.

  2. Went to glass shop today. 


    $125 for 3/16” glass which was plenty thick enough. 


    Not much more for 1/4”. Either one would work and that was for a 3ft X 5ft piece. Should be plenty big enough for most BG and strips. I might revisit the idea of getting door glasses but I think I’m gonna go 3/16” from the shop.  

  3. I want to get a piece of double strength glass for a new peelboard and I'm a little cramped for space. I want something big enough I can do strips/ backglass on. I was thinking 3 feet tall by 4.5 ft long. You guys think that would be big enough in most situations? That double strength glass is expensive :eye


    I had a 4ft by 7ft single strength and it broke on me. I've seen several door glass and what not for sale on Facebook but i don't think they'd work out to well for me.


    Been a while since I've been on here hope everyone is doing well.

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