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Reasons to Keep it Legal


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I explain to every customer here in Tampa Fl, the benefits, the law and limits - the shade that I sell most, you guessed it 20%, and we all know 20% is illegal.  Match front doors to factory on my new SUV? well nothing is close than 20%.  If you tell them they can do a 35/20 combo to stay within the law, they don't want the difference in shade and want it all the same around.  I don't install 5% on any car, I carry 15% but on limited quantities.


If I was just to follow 100% of the time what the law says, mine as well close shop.


What I don't understand is, why are attorneys going after the tint shops but they don't do the same after the Race Shop who sold all the race parts to the kid who installed the super charger, the engine hop ups used in the car for killing my brother?  Why don't we go after the auto parts selling these highly intense head lamps on Jeeps and other 4x4 vehicles that blind you completely and make you almost go off the road cause you cannot see anything?


It boils down to owner responsibility, not the shop installing it.   So let's say, you're a smoker - you get cancer from it, are you going after the Circle K who sold you the pack?  No, right, so why go after the Tint Shop. 

You mention why attorneys don't go after the race shop who "sold" not "installed" hop-up parts to a kid for the car used in killing your brother. You also mention cigarettes, we all know by now that smoking can cause cancer, the store clerk sold the cigarettes, he didn't make the customer smoke them. If we sold window film and not installed it to someone and the film had a label claiming that it is for off-road use only, it wouldn't be illegal and yes, it would be up to the purchaser to use it properly. Since most all of us here install the film, it is up to us to make sure that we do things legit. 

Edited by Ocala
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by a show of ' I do' let's take a tally, are you only installing Legal?  if so, just reply We do.   I highly doubt any shop can operate on window film sales alone under that model and be profitable. 

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I am still new to all this... now that I am offering more Ceramic options the goal is to bust the myth to my clients that darker doesn't always means better protection and perhaps turn a better profit on legal jobs.   I get it from all points of views here guys... This is a good conversation.

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