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Quick story need advice

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Need advice or different perspectives.  Last week I got a job at a detailing place, they don't do window tinting but they're looking to add it.  I told the guy I've never worked at a shop but I've been doing friends, family, and word of mouth work for about 5 yrs.  He was cool and said you'll be our main tint guy, you can continue learning here and whenever its not busy you can help with washes.  Great opportunity and everything but after the week was over I quit.  The reason I told him was that I didn't feel comfortable enough that I would be able to deliver with cars they might bring in.  Mostly I've only done the basic toyotas, hondas, nissans, etc and they work on a lot of luxury and some exotic cars.  Part of that is true but part of me says, " I don't care what car you bring me I'll give it a try  and if I get it good and if I don't then too bad". But thats kind of messed up to tell them I'll deliver when I know I might not.  

The four days I was there I only worked on 1 clients car and two of managements cars the rest of the time I was washing.  The client car was a mid-nineties bmw coupe, I don't know the model just that the guy said it was rare.  It was a remove and retint I did it and I struggled a lot with the front doors cause it was frameless and I don't have much experience with frameless and also cause the seals are so so tight.

The guy offered me $13/hr and eventually they agreed they would quickly increment it to $14. I don't know if thats good or bad in California but after thinking about it I thought it was fair because they don't know to what extent I can deliver and they don't know how much tint business they'll be getting in, and if it does get busy I can always demand more.  So no, pay wasn't a main reason for quitting.

Besides the fear of not being able to do any car they bring in I think the biggest reason is that I thought to myself "do I really want to work in window tinting?" I guess the answer was no because I did end up quitting.  Its crazy how you look for opportunities and when you get what seems like the best opportunity you could of asked for you turn away from it. What is wrong with me? 


Ok if you got up to this point this is where I would like you guys input.  One of the management guys called me today asking me to go in tomorrow to do a remove and retint on two front doors.  I kind of don't want to so I told him yea I don't think I'll be able to.  He says come on this is an appointment from last week, which is true I do remember he had mentioned the guy that wanted to remove and retint the same shade as the back.  Then in an indirect way he says, well I've got your check from the 4 days you worked last week so you have to come in so I can pay you or else I can't pay you. 

I don't feel I have the responsibility to do that car because he's had a whole week since I quit to either find someone else or cancel the appointment.  Also when I quit he offered me the $14 immediately instead of increments, since that didn't work he said to think it over for a week and if I wanted to go back I was welcomed.  I think by asking me to go in tomorrow he's just trying to convince me to work for them.  And I don't think he'll hold my pay against me if I don't go in tomorrow, he seemed a little shady but not like a complete a hole that would do that, it was his partner that was really cool but they both make decisions around that place. 

So my question is, should I go in tomorrow or not? Either way I'm gonna go get my money weather it's tomorrow or sometime next week.  But if I don't want to do it then what's the point? Why would I force myself to do something I don't want to?  I can force myself but if I'm not happy there then the work is gonna suffer.

What would you do?  What have you done?  

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Man I feel like you need to take a breath bro. First, ask yourself is this what you really want to do? Everyone always says do what you love. Or do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.


There is always going to be challenges when encountering new vehicles and if this is what you want to do you need to accept that and be ready to take it on and learn. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say so learning the techniques to tint all makes and models takes time. Take a breath and try to practice patience as patience is virtue my friend.


I took a factory ring training class myself. Some great advice a trainer gave me is "It doesn't matter if it's a Honda or a Lamborghini you are just putting film on glass". In other words dont let the fancy expensive brands intimidate you bro. You are tinting glass. Just tint the glass regardless of the vehicle and you will be good.


And as far as going in I would just go in and do the best you possibly can. Be the better person and blow their minds. After that you can get your check and roll out if you want. You dont want to ruin you reputation in the industry because it's always a much smaller world than you think.



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Yea I guess you're right after all it's just two doors, might as well do them and try to end in good terms with them. 

About weather if its really what I want to do, I don't know, I only started cause I thought I could make good money, now I just don't know. Yea I like cars but it's never been my biggest passion.


What do you suggest I tell them about matching the tint shade from the back windows? I think that's what the client wants.  More likely than not it will be a different brand of film and I wouldn't know where to get a meter to at least try to match it.  Just eyeball it? Let them make the decision? 

And thanks for the reply, it really helped to see things differently.

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32 minutes ago, wade_660 said:

Sounds like they put more faith in you than you do yourself. I'd go in and do the job and get paid. Especially since they are being so cool about it.

Yea they have been really cool about everything.  Yes sometimes I do better than I give myself credit for but at the same time I feel they don't know much about the whole tinting process, all they know is it'll be profitable for them to add tint to their services. The employee gets it done doesn't matter how as long as its done, while I am conscious of the flaws and imperfections and feel the work is not "complete".  

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If you really want to do window tinting and don’t want to be uncomfortable not knowing what to do , I suggest you take a class that’s how a lot of people I know learned . They took a class taught by solargard ! i think they are professional and you can learn a lot ! Sure you will mess up alot in the beginning but after a awhile you will get it ! And make more money ! 

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That is good advice @Whyme!


I was interested in it and decided to take a class with LLumar. I watched every YouTube video I could before hand and decided that it was something I at least wanted to try and see if I could do to possibly make at least some side income if not a career out of. I never touched a knife or a piece of tint before class because my mindset was that I wanted to learn the correct way before developing any bad habits. Plus, I didn't want to screw up my vehicle (or anyone else's) with my personal learning process.


It sounds like you have skills already if you have been doing it as side/friend work for 5 years, maybe all you need it a little reassurance to realize that. A class could help your confidence and maybe also help you decide if this is a part time thing or a potential career for you to continue doing.


Either way, you'll make the decision that is right for you. Good luck in finding which answer fits you best!

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Well let me say do what you want to we cant tell you what you need to do. If you like cars and the people that owen them then go and be the best tinter that you can be . it sounds like you justify not tinting cause its hard but there offering to let you learn on there dime sounds like a way in .  You need to be a person who can stand by your word.  Listen to your heart it sounds like its in it but your mind might not be. Let me say tinting is very hard to learn .sleepless nights and i could of done better. Its just tint. Thats it if its bad then take it off and redo. No one ever gets hurt. Thats the just of it. Get some training and more cars. Sure they want to make money dont we all need to.? Ill teach you. Maybe talk  to them about getting a plotter. Alot of tinters who don't know how to hand cut it makes it easier to learn. Good luck let us know what you do . 

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