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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Relief cuts are common and usually discussed with the client before work begins. I always try to show a few examples around the shop and communicate the pros, cons and realities of the final product.
  2. If I had a customer ask to fill that space in I would gladly do it. The machine cut kits can be a little unwieldy when going from 2d to 3d installation. How the software designer intended to streach in the pattern vs how the installer interprets the kit and curves. Likely the guys in the vids have seen multiples of the same vehicle and have worked it out thru trial and error before posting. Having a relief cut or a separate piece takes the tension off of the film to prevent it from distorting and lifting later. One could sink the film all the way down with heat/steam but it would compromise the films integrity over the long run. Hope that helps.
  3. I don't think I'll trust anybody that says they weren't cussing and bleeding durring or after an R&R on an Audi. I'm going to be putting neosporin in my squirt bottles for the next couple of days...
  4. You can also get an Oracal vinyl in frost that is almost identical to look at with a pressure sensitive adhesive if you have doubts. I have ordered it from Grimco and Tubelite in the past. 24" up to 48" last time I checked. Layed it with 20/80 rapidtac/water.
  5. Is it delaminating? Possible that there is some crazy hot spot from a glare on that area? Mabey the cleaning lady lifted it by accident? Seems crazy if the rest looks good.
  6. Haven't seen one here yet. Aside from not trusting the switches I would be getting a waiver up front for any windshield request. Please let us know what you find if you take it.
  7. Film is likely ok. Every brand handles a little differently. I stopped using alcohol in my soap/slip bottles and cut with only water where I want full adhesion. I also lay with one hard press (dark yellow turbo) and try to capture all of the moisture at once under that stroke so that I'm not dragging any back under a bonded area on a second stroke. (prevents silvering/champagne). Any stroke after the first is generally for more pressure. What looks like a thumb print in the second pic I think is an area that got pressed in or just tacked, lifted and layed back down when the film got readjusted. Of course I could be completely wrong, I'm just a llama.
  8. Those look like tack marks from the film sitting while you work the other side. I'd bet a nickel that the paint was really dry. Most of the time I'll do a light polish, so the film doesn't bind so quickly, after I decontaminate. Then I alcohol the edges to take it back off where I want a tight seal.
  9. Just finished bulking a Miata in PPF. I will swear that white is the most teidieous color to lay over. My vision seems to improve to 20/10 as soon as the film goes on and I spot a speck that had alluded me during every stage of prep.
  10. The first time I saw the new gmc up close I called it a ford tundra. The dodge products may all look like fishing lures but I find that preferable to the manga art that keeps creeping into the design language.
  11. I'm buying in pretty deep on the films I use the most in case of shtf. The lesser requested products I'm going to burn through and possibly phase out. I don't see oil getting any cheaper so I can't imagine film will either. Silver is good (I keep a small bit myself) but I've also heard the argument that lead is more easily divisible if barter becomes more prevalent. After living through multiple hurricanes I've also learned to keep plenty of dry/canned goods around for when power stays down for more than a couple of days.
  12. I really have to question who is the target audience for some of the new designs. Seems like they more ridiculous every year.
  13. Of the three new grand wagoneers I've done so for one of them had a light bronze. Ended up using a global 70 ceramic, which is a little brassy so as not to have too much contrast. I hope that bronze doesn't come back full swing. Back in the day I was using a 50 platinum plus with a 30 bronze hp behind it to match the explorers and lexus glass...pita.
  14. I was 17years in Orlando with multiple locations before moving out west. I've also pre-loaded dealerships in the southeast. It's been my experience that Fla sun will find the limits of any film. As stated I've never had a Global failure in the 12+ years I've carried it. Not to say it couldn't happen but I've never seen it.
  15. I've been tinting automotive since 1995, used all the majors and a few of the minors. The only film I've never had a warranty claim with has been Global. For me it's been the best product that almost no one has heard of. I try to promote my own reputation, which I can control vs the reputation of a brand name that I can't.
  16. Welcome to the school of hard knocks where you never graduate and success is determined by not taking the same class twice. Hopefully you don't damage anything that is on backorder.
  17. It hit me pretty quick. I was already opening, closing, answering the phones and installing...I may as well put my name on the door, cash the checks and stop taking bs jobs the someone else would tack on the schedule without any notice. Never looked back.
  18. Try rotating the pattern and/or nudge the dial on the blade holder
  19. ^^^this There is also a depth check in the menu somewhere
  20. Avery satin. The flat will show a bit more of the imperfections and is more brittle when streaching. Plains is correct about the clear coat. By the time you lift and streach into place the clear will be stuck to the back of the film and the piece ruined. You could have it sprayed with bedliner for a few hundred bux not have to screw with any of it.
  21. Boss 302 w/coyote today. Just the rear glass. Whoever came up with the trash bag method deserves to be in the window tinting hall of fame. This crusty film came off way better than expected.
  22. I would try to set it at 13 and nudge the dial on top of the blade holder clockwise just a hair followed by cutting a few wide oblongs about 2" tall. After a few rounds of that the blade might get reseated in the groove. If the cut strip is fried I would get a new one. If it's not fried, I would get a new one as a back up to have on hand.
  23. I've been using SprayAway glass cleaner and #3 steel wool lately. Back in the day orange flavored 409.
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