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Thanks to all once again for the emailed and posted (here) support.  I am truly gratified.


I just emailed the documents to Ric, our distinguished host here at TD.  I know we all trust his integrity and honesty and if my proofs are not what I claim them to be - he will say so. 





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CB and the entire lineup of Global/Garware color stable films are the gold standard for durability and reliability.  Those pictures are misleading, disturbing and damaging to us.

I don't think any of the regulars on the forum need any "proof". Because knowing how you conduct yourself and all the positive reviews of your product is proof enough.

However, as long as those pictures are up they are tied to your film even though there is no proof showing what film it really is. Seeing how this thread will be up for years to come, I wonder if a regular Joe Schmo who's doing some research on a particular film that a local shop may use and decide not to use them because of this false information. Some people seem to believe everything we read on the internet is fact.

So me personally would not hesitate presenting the facts especially after seeing how flaky this individual seems to be. That's what I would do anyways. I'm sure whatever route you take will be well thought out and be the right one.

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I am genuinely touched by all the support from the community here. 


It's not mistakes that matter - it's what you do next.  When you find yourself in a hole, you need to crawl out of it, not reach for a bigger shovel.  Right now, I am hoping that SK (his name is John) voluntarily takes down the pics.  I am trying to be diplomatic, patient and understanding, but everyone has their limits.  I will do what is necessary to protect the good name and the company I founded 32 years ago. 


With sincere thanks to all,



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Howard, what you have offered is WAY beyond and above any warranty offered by any other window film company, all I can say is WOW and very impressive to say the least.


I would also like to say you have more passion then anyone I have known in this Biz, with the exception of V4V............ :spit

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Anyone (consumer) that reads this and thinks that Express is not top notch is a customer I can do without anyways. It should be clear to anyone with some common sense that Howard is professional and that it is not a premium film that is failing shadeking.

Howard post the invoices but remove the personal information. It is fair seeing as he is tarnishing your rep. and you have the right to defend/ prove yourself.

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Howard, what you have offered is WAY beyond and above any warranty offered by any other window film company, all I can say is WOW and very impressive to say the least.


I would also like to say you have more passion then anyone I have known in this Biz, with the exception of V4V............ :spit


Geez Mike....  Coming from a Dinosaur like you, I am really touched.  Thank you my friend and colleague.



Anyone (consumer) that reads this and thinks that Express is not top notch is a customer I can do without anyways. It should be clear to anyone with some common sense that Howard is professional and that it is not a premium film that is failing shadeking.

Howard post the invoices but remove the personal information. It is fair seeing as he is tarnishing your rep. and you have the right to defend/ prove yourself.


Thank you shwusyrtint.....  Sincere gratitude for your support.  Let me check with legal before I post them.    -Howard

When you do come Down Under.. You will be welcomed with opened arms. You will have a free bed to rest your head in every state of our country.

You are 1 of the lads, and the way you conduct yourself and the quality of the products you endorse give testament to you and your operation.




I was so moved by this post, that Lois and I actually looked at the flight schedules for the first time.  Quantas goes from LAX to SYD in just 15 hours.  And one day, when you and Owl come to visit I will reciprocate.  What a grand time that will be - absolutely a high point in my career in this industry.  Australia represents the most severe environmental conditions that exist in the habitable world for window film longevity. 





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When you do come Down Under.. You will be welcomed with opened arms. You will have a free bed to rest your head in every state of our country.

You are 1 of the lads, and the way you conduct yourself and the quality of the products you endorse give testament to you and your operation.




I was so moved by this post, that Lois and I actually looked at the flight schedules for the first time.  Quantas goes from LAX to SYD in just 15 hours.  And one day, when you and Owl come to visit I will reciprocate.  What a grand time that will be - absolutely a high point in my career in this industry.  Australia represents the most severe environmental conditions that exist in the habitable world for window film longevity. 






Hey Howard,

Sounds great. I am holding a training day at Surfers Paradise (Gold Coast) on Monday the 13th of October. It should be a fantastic weekend (And some training thrown in also). There will be a few of the guys here on TintDude there, as well as the Owl. All are welcome, but I would say without question that if you were able to make it, you would very much be our special guest. And treated as such.


Some of the things we are working on may be of interest to you.

I understand that you are very busy, but the invite is there if you are free to accept.

Warmest regards.

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