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Don't ya hate it when.......

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Don't ya hate it when you get to an "emergency"  job(theirs not ours) on a Saturday and the brand new roll you have was mislabeled . Calls are made..."The inventory is locked up and any other film you could use is booked for Mondays install do not touch it!!!"... "The truck with the film you need was supposed to show on Friday "


I like to have a solution before I call custy with the bad news...*SIGH*

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Don't ya hate it when you let the windshield wipers scare the crap out of you and make you feel stupid.  :facepalm


Backing a Grand Cherokee around,, making a curve around the corner of the building,  not looking out the front, when the intermittent wipers go off on a dry windshield... squealing and hopping making this god awful noise as they go across.  :shock  I nearly jumped out of my skin.  Scared the crap out of me,, I thought I had hit something  :krazy  


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Don't ya hate it when you let the windshield wipers scare the crap out of you and make you feel stupid. :facepalm

Backing a Grand Cherokee around,, making a curve around the corner of the building, not looking out the front, when the intermittent wipers go off on a dry windshield... squealing and hopping making this god awful noise as they go across. :shock I nearly jumped out of my skin. Scared the crap out of me,, I thought I had hit something :krazy

Was this before or after installing a windshield strip?
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Don't ya hate it when you let the windshield wipers scare the crap out of you and make you feel stupid. :facepalm

Backing a Grand Cherokee around,, making a curve around the corner of the building, not looking out the front, when the intermittent wipers go off on a dry windshield... squealing and hopping making this god awful noise as they go across. :shock I nearly jumped out of my skin. Scared the crap out of me,, I thought I had hit something :krazy

Was this before or after installing a windshield strip?


Before any work was done.  It had rained early this morning and she left the wipers on the slowest delay setting.  By the time I got to it it was dry.  I was backing around (near another truck)  and I thought I clipped something  :nervous

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Gotta love it when a client will not give you a film or design decision ( " some kind of graphic") and wants you to commit to having it installed on Saturday and its 3:00 Thursday.

In the past 2 months we have had at least 10 plans that say things like " film selection TBD" or "film to be selected from full line" numerous times no spec whatsoever, and they want a firm committed number on it. Drives me up a wall.

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