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  1. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in Is this a heat gun damage?   
    I'll second the heat gun damage and raise you with some overly aggressive scrub/wiping.
    Jackwagons like that have been effing up the industry since it began. I'll wager anything that they absolutely saw it and delivered it with a straight face. Hood rat mentality. It's one thing to damage someone's auto, but not acceptable to try to pull that crap and believe it's ok.
  2. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Bham in Is this a heat gun damage?   
    Sorry but yes, that is heat gun damage and a razor knife cut.  Somebody doesn't know how to snap a door glass properly.  That was probably done while shrinking on the car before install, as I think those are frameless windows.  But that is heat gun damage for sure, I've done the same thing on a different vehicle before.  I know that damage first hand.  Good news is that plastic piece is relatively easy to replace.  You're just gonna have to deal with either them replacing it or you having to.  
  3. Like
    alberts316 reacted to civicrice in Does my tint need to be redone?   
    your car had previous tint on it. installer was probably unaware of the glue residue  and more than likely uses the "new age" cleaning style of using safe plastic scrapers/ scrubby pads instead of the old school masculine steel razor blades. they should have no  problem redoing it for you
  4. Like
    alberts316 reacted to mrsunshades in Tint re-do? Dirt bubbles   
    Whether it's a restaurant, a plumbing service or a tint shop,  I am a big believer in giving the store owner a second chance - if they show a basic and sincere willingness to make it right when a customer isn't happy, that's all we are usually looking for. That's why when one of MY customers complains and comes back (a rare occasion but yes it does happen), I found that they don't necessarily want a perfect job, but just that I'm willing to take the time to make sure they're happy in the end . To me, that's a perfect job : when the customer is smiling and glad they came in. I don't sell window film or tint jobs; I sell comfort and satisfaction!
  5. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in Porsche Cayenne Rear Wing PPF   
    You could try to lay it in with some light steam and a black teflon card after a 70%iso wipe. I would lay it early and let it dry while I layed the rest of the car, then come at it with a little dry heat before trimming. That would at least give you time to observe it for a while before making either cut.

    I use mine with a strip of PTFE Tape to avoid scuffing on those deep returns. Good for getting side pressure as well.
    Nice install bay!
  6. Like
    alberts316 got a reaction from Dano in Tint re-do? Dirt bubbles   
    what part of the country is this in?  If that was the case, it needs redone.  
  7. Thanks
    alberts316 got a reaction from MoeDelly in Tint re-do? Dirt bubbles   
    what part of the country is this in?  If that was the case, it needs redone.  
  8. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in Can Am UTV….. how much to charge   
    My experience with those is that it's going to take a lot longer than you're thinking right now. Especially if it's used.
    I usually won't take one in unless it's dropped for a few days. Pressure washer and compressed air for the channels if the glass can't be removed. Test clean an out of view area with a blade and/or #3 steel wool. Not all glass is created equal. You may end up needing to use a white scrubbie and a chizler if the glass is soft compound.
    As for rates, I would bid this for whatever my day rate (full day of work) needs to be plus materials including waste if they want it immaculate. Most of these I've bid have passed, but im not going to sacrifice a full day of income to struggle with those filthy turds when I could be knocking out 3 to 4 clean retail cars.
    If they just want it slapped on there and it takes half a day, then half a day rate it is. Either way the customers are usually shocked until I explain what's involved.
    "Come on man, it's just a tiny farm buggy. I'm not spending that"....is not going to cut it here....Next!
  9. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in Need help, tint nightmare   
    I would physically check to see if the defroster is still working, not just the light on the dash. I would then be asking for a full refund+ cost of removal+ cost of an interior detail, get estimates.
    Any shop that would let that out, twice, needs to be out of buisness. I would be thinking about a claim against their insurance if they said anything other than 'yes sir'. Your insurance may cover it and seek them out afterwards.
    I would def not let them touch it again for any reason.
  10. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in Absentee Tint Shop Owners?   
    They could also carelessly waste materials, scratch paint, fry electronics and riun customer relations. I've never seen this work out well without someone there in person to babysit the installer. 
    Most tinters will have zero respect for an owner who's not there and cant replace them on the spot.
    The installers who have good discipline are usually self employed already or at high volume shops with a sales team and good management.
    The leftovers are either inexperienced, unmotivated or have substance issues that prevent them from hitting the numbers needed to turn a profit. 
  11. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Tintguy1980 in Customer says tint works better on the outside ??   
    Placebo effect. 😆

    Ima thinking the limo film on the outside could do a tad better since it's absorbing the majority of the solar energy before traveling through glass. If limo was on the inside and he was using AC, the absorption would reradiate toward the cool air inside versus out though the glazing system. Has it been tested in my time analyzing film products? No.
    If you look at the TSER of an interior mounted 20% reflective film, it's reported around 79%. For an exterior mounted equivalent, the TSER jumps to 84%. 5 percentage points in film performance translating into a 10-15 degree improvement inside is at best questionable.
    We all know that air passing over the outside surface will carry away any heat build up in the outer pane, so, traveling down the road at 60 mph you'll have a difference compared with sitting still. Same would occur if filmed on the inside. Sitting in a campground with 7-15 mph breeze ... well ... meh!
    That's how it strikes me but, I have to say there are far too many variables involved that are not known for any of us to be believing his claim of 10-15 degree difference between interior mount vs exterior. Here's a few: Dual-pane? Tinted dual-pane? LowE dual-pane? Air conditioning efficiency? Limo tint metallized? Limo Ceramic? Limo straight-dyed? Air movement on the exterior surface? Measuring air temp? Measuring temp where the sun strikes a surface inside?

  12. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in What did you tint today?   
    RnR GT4 bumper over the weekend. Original was damaged in shipping and the wholesaler had it sold before it came off the truck. These go on without too much fuss after the lower air dam is removed. 
  13. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in I have been using Avery Dennison Ceramic pro series has anyone heard of them before?   
    For myself the best film without all the gimmicks is Global. It's color is stable for years and shrinks like a dream. I usually only use the top two tiers of products in any brand, HP and Ceramic. 
    If you need the sales collateral to lean on then Xpell or Llumar have good products and brand recognition.
    I didn't really enjoy the 3M or Suntek. Great brands but I didn't like the way the film handled.
    Ive seen plenty of products cycle through the industry marketed as the Gucci of films and usually have a Gucci price for you, and to pass on to your customers. It's miserable to watch the reputational damage to the shops when it fails.
  14. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Bham in Proper DIY Back Window Tint Removal.   
    @atikovi  I’m just gonna say this. Your post is at the same time offensive to us but also a great example.  Yes. You are cheap. No. You have not done that properly. YES!! You have hurt or destroyed your defroster.  Every tinter worth his salt knows if you are using a razor blade, at all, on a defroster, you are going to slip and mess up a line. Or two. Or three etc.  if you had just paid the $200 you would still have a functional defroster, but whatever. You probably have the steadiest hands on the planet and never slip when trying to remove that hard ass embedded tint  that had welded itself to the glass.  
    Experienced labor is well with its money sometimes but,,, 
    oh well. Live and learn.  Cheers. 
  15. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in What did you tint today?   
    It's pretty nice. I think I'm the only dedicated film shop in my area that can handle the oversize vehicles, or even wants to. I do a fair number of wake boats every year because I don't have to break down the towers.
    I also keep a two bay shop with inspection lights in an industrial complex in town for the day to day wholesale/retail stuff. I really can't complain, except when I write the checks at the first of the month...ugh... I still wouldn't have it any other way. Self employment= self determination. I'd rather sail or fail on my own accord.
  16. Like
    alberts316 reacted to no ma'am in What did you tint today?   
    Buck foats @Dano you can have em!  
  17. Like
    alberts316 got a reaction from TintDude in Comments on this one are .....well..... interesting !!   
    I get kids rolling in asking for double limo on sides and limo on windshield constantly. Ain't happening here kids. I have done it for oil rig guys and its like looking through a welding helmet.  That looks like what is on that Jag. It looks dark AF
  18. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Bham in Xpel training   
    Llumar has the same practices with controlling the amount of shops in the area that have their product.  Both Llumar and Xpel have the right to control their product any way they want to.  If they don't want to offer their product to you, they don't have to and no one can force them to allow you to attend classes or carry their product.  They have control and can do with it as they see fit.  Sorry.   
    edited to say that most decent distributors have this sort of practice.  Or at least say they do.  Some of them stretch their standards and sell to shops a little closer together than what they say they don't allow.  Anyway, this is to try and not flood the area with all of the same product.  Competition brings more business and if there is only one product in town, the demand will go down and their will be no customers. 
  19. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Dano in What did you tint today?   
    I really have to question who is the target audience for some of the new designs. Seems like they more ridiculous every year. 
  20. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Tint Slayer in Offering tint to shops/dealership   
    I've never done dealer work. I don't understand the benefit of cutting your prices so deep so the Dealer can make more money for nothing and at your expense.
    I'm also in construction as a sub-contractor and if i hired someone outside to do a job for me i get their full bill, pay them and i forward my bill of that work to my customer with a markup of 10 to 15%. Pretty standard.
    Why give dealers 30%-70% when they do no work?
    My opinion is do it for your full price, your film, your service with your name and they can mark it up 10% to 70% after you get yours. Why go so cheap? What makes dealers appealing that i'm missing?
  21. Like
    alberts316 reacted to Tint Slayer in Selling Tint Business   
    I went to your website. If you multiply all your prices on that website by 1.5 you may want to stay in business. Your prices are way too low. If i was thinking about buying your business i'd see that low price structure and think you had to really lowball to make money.
    Just giving my 2 cents
  22. Like
    alberts316 got a reaction from Dano in PPF installers, what shoes do you guys wear? Need suggestions on waterproof/comfortable shoes!   
    go to a running store and try them on.  EVERY shoe fits EVERYONE different.  I trail run a ton and use Hoka for work and play.  Any good shoe company will have waterproof ones.
  23. Like
    alberts316 got a reaction from WearTheFoxHat in What did you tint today?   
    Got high at work and layed about 1900sqft on this house

  24. Like
    alberts316 got a reaction from The ///Man in What did you tint today?   
    Got high at work and layed about 1900sqft on this house

  25. Like
    alberts316 got a reaction from Bham in What did you tint today?   
    Got high at work and layed about 1900sqft on this house

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