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Tint Slayer

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Posts posted by Tint Slayer

  1. On 8/19/2018 at 11:23 AM, Midtown Houston said:

    Im in Houston and we put 2oz of tint slime to every gallon when it is hot and 1oz when it is cooler (which is rare). We only use the orange tint slim....the green one do not work in hot climate.  I have seen the slim do some funny stuff to the adhesive to some film but not with 3M....As for J&J, we use 3oz per gallon when it is hot and we only buy the original and not the off brand.....For some reason the off brand do not work the same as the branded one. We use to have to have to clean our spray nozzle all the time but never had to do it since we got RO water.  Everything slide better with RO (10K - 15K system) water than distill. You are welcome to come get 5 gallon a time of RO water and see for yourself...bring breakfast taco by the way and it is free. You also welcome to come get a few oz of orange slim....



    Damn, you must have Holy Water coming out of that

  2. 18 hours ago, highplains said:

    Just to expand further not all private label products are the same repackaged product, even if they are produced by the same manufacturer. To continue with your Kroger Hazelnut Chocolate spread analogy, the Kroger brand isn't necessarily the identical product as the Safeway, Wal-Mart, etc. even if they all come from the same place.


    20 hours ago, smartie2shoes said:

    Well, it's kind of like Kroger grocery stores don't want you to know who makes their Kroger brand Hazelnut Chocolate Spread. Nutella lovers would buy the store's (private label) brand before the Nutella because it's cheaper. Difference being Nutella brand is more manageable on a knife whereas, Kroger brand is more soupy.


    Takeaway: What goes into the original branded goods isn't necessarily what goes into the making of a private label.


    That's kinda my point, if someone is selling a different composition of film in a branded box that's different than in other branded boxes, but all made by Garware (or whoever), then why not say who makes it?

    To use your example, people who like Nutella also check out their other products because it's made by Nutella and they know Nutella makes some really good stuff, it's all made by Nutella but different recipes, just like many films being made by Garware just different recipes.

    Saying your getting something manufactured by Garware may be more appealing than not knowing where it's from, it's kinda what everyone wants to know with each brand, nobody wants to get the bad film and most know where most of the bad stuff is made. It's almost a bad idea buying film not knowing where it's manufactured. 

    I'd want the Nutella products rather than the soupy cheap store brand made elsewhere.

  3. If XPEL is made by Garware then i'd be more likely to try it, i don't know why people hide the manufacturers, I tend to seek out Garware made products for my own reasons, but it doesn't mean everyone's selling QDP in a box with their own name on it, at least i hope not. I will also say I haven't tried a ton of brands, but if you're selling a different kind of film that's not like the other films that are made by the same manufacturer, why wouldn't you say where it's made? It may be a good selling point. 

  4. On 8/13/2018 at 2:20 PM, Mr paladin said:

    I need to ship my vinyl express q42 in for service anyone shipped a plotter before? looking for the best way to ship it with it getting damaged.


    UPS stores can pack it for you when you ship, may cost a few bucks for packing but you can blame them for any issues, can also keep the UPS packaging for next time. Years back when i had a pen plotter for drawings i asked the people i bought it from to send me a box to ship it in, they gave me the box but i paid to ship it. 

  5. 11 hours ago, bbvaldezjuly4th said:

    Good grief bud. I clearly said in the video that you had to be careful with it and it could do things like burn your arm. Who are you educating bud? Seriously. The can itself has all the warnings on it. Says everything you are saying. And as far as past experience with OSHA etc, woop de do. You were an iron worker. I was a union sheet metal worker ( we got to play with all kinds of fun chemicals and learn ISHA and safety guidelines as well) seriously. And I was also a full time Marine that worked on helicopters. Plenty more rules and regulations, and you guessed it, chemicals. And even these little explosive devices called grenades and 50 cal machine guns and other fun assorted instruments of death. So please. Give me a break with this shop steward routine. Gas is explosive go BOOM. Don't smoke or have open flame close to it the vapors can combust and make you cry cry or die die. I would never put that stuff near my car and children! It's like driving a bomb!   See how that sounds? Seriously. Chill. 

    Damn you're a dick here just like on the FB forums you ruin with your dumbass crap. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Super Dave said:

    Let me know when you do use it, I’ve got a whole bottle of it left here from the old tinter. I’m always busy, so I’ve been scared to try it out and maybe have to redo something- also it’s just in a spray bottle with writing on it so wasn’t 100% sure that’s what was in there!

    I was sent small samples of 5 or 6 of their products from the company when i called and asked about the products, haven't touched them or used them yet. They're in my sample pile lol.

  7. On 8/10/2018 at 6:22 PM, bbvaldezjuly4th said:

    No  it will not harm the defrosters. speaking of stupid, when was the last time you seen defrosters that were made from petroleum? the reason i ask is because this product only reacts with petroleum based products. I almost feel like you are simply afraid of the unknown because all of your words explicitly point to you NEVER having done this, so since you have never done this it should be clear that you are doing exactly what you said, giving your opinion. Whos opinion carries more weight? The one of the person that has done this for years and years or someone that hasnt? And speaking of kids and children ( and stupid again) It seems you assume rather ignorantly that there isnt a means of cleaning the remover off and out. The vapors are gone very quickly. how quick? well how long do you think a vapor last when the source is gone?

    Apparently you missed the post that said i have experience with it and watched Ironworkers get ill from it, I've had someone from OSHA explain it's hazards, along with many other chemicals when i was an Ironworker. I know it well and i'm not stupid enough to use it inside a car. I'm gonna go with my own lengthy experience and training about it and what OSHA explained to me and warned that i'd be written up if i didn't follow OSHA's Exposure Monitoring procedure. You really sound like you have no clue what you're using in an enclosed car and/or garage. But by all means, use it til you drop and recommend it to everybody just so you can feel vindicated. Facts are that people have died from exposure to methyl and methylene chloride, the main ingredient in your product. Don't have to believe me, juts read the OSHA warnings like smart people do.

  8. 2 hours ago, quality tintz said:

    He is saving the defrosters bro...

    Using that Aircraft stuff on the defrosters will slowly soften and degrade them (and also the rubber and adhesive holding the glass in. It takes paint off of cars i can't see how those defrosters would be any match for it. I almost feel like this is a bad prank video. In my opinion this video is horrible advice, my kid has major health issues and i would f'n lose it on the dude that used these respiratory incapacitating and cancer causing chemicals in my enclosed car right where my kid sits. This video is flat out stupid advice, there are plenty of non-deadly adhesive removal choices out there, you don't need to risk peoples health or damage a vehicle. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, tej98 said:

    Okay, thanks! I will try to make the cuts smoother. I’ve attached a picture of my tint laid out with the box, could you please tell me which side is the factory edge that I should be shrinking the fingers out from? 


    The factory edges are the 2 edges/ends of the roll. What made you choose that film? Did you do a good search on it?

  10. Made for metal. Also removes paint and delaminates, likely does a number on the defrosters, will change the color of rubber to brown, removes baked on enamel so watch out for your baked on ceramic frit. Oddly enough the can says "don't use on aircraft". If you use it i'd duct tape every surface around it because it will destroy it. Also will give your skin a chemical burn. Also causes cancer. Look up Methyl Chloride on the OSHA website. I've worked with similar solvents for stripping structural steel and you should NOT be using this in an enclosed car, the can actually says not to use in enclosed spaces like basements and small, enclosed areas. I've seen big healthy iron workers pass out using Methyl Chloride to strip paint in an open area outside. If you use this stuff inside a car you're asking for trouble. Don't just do anything someone posts on the internet. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Prim3e said:

    I will be accepting a job at my local dealership to work in their tint shop( i am in the southeastern USA). I have almost a year of tinting experience so im not brand new to it, but what should i ask to be paid for doing a full sedan( honda accord, honda civic, etc.) and for a 2 door vehicle (SUV). I will also be applying paint protection(which i know how to do) on the door edges and door cups of every vehicle I tint.


    I will be going to speak with the manager and negotiating my commission next week and I have no idea how much to ask for because of the paint protection ill be applying after the tint. Most dealers in the area pay $45/ 4 window car (full sedan including back glass) and $25/2 door vehicle, but this rate of pay is only for tinting the windows not applying paint protection so I need help with a solid number to ask for. 

    Your "1" key must not be working, i think you meant maybe $145 for a full car (still too cheap) and $125 for a 2 door.

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